The Revisions Page lists all revisions submitted to MetaSource Mortgage in real time. The data can be sorted and searched by date added, borrower name, audit period or loan number and include:
- Audit Period
- Finding
- Revision Date
- Revision Notes
- Client Explanation
- MetaSource Mortgage Outcome
- Finding Level
- Order Number
- Borrower Name
- Loan Number
QLink’s self-revision capability gives you the ability to take full control of the revisions process. You can revise QC findings and their risk rating levels to what you feel is correct. Everything is done in real-time so you can revise your findings at your own pace. This means no more waiting for vendors to revise findings on your behalf.
Findings Archive & Searchability
While you have ability to revise findings, your original findings are kept and never deleted. All of the original MetaSource Mortgage finding write-ups and finding levels will be saved and reflected as changed in your PDF reports. QLink also allows you to sort your findings by revision reason and result so that you can quickly identify the findings that have been revised and the reason for the change.
Free & Easy
Because QLink Mortgage QC software is cloud-based, you and your team can access its new self-revision capability anywhere you have an internet connection, from any device. QLink never needs to be installed, maintained or upgraded.
The best part: both QLink and its self-revision capability are 100% free for all MetaSource Mortgage clients.
QLink Highlights
- Full control of the revision process
- Real-time findings that can be revised at your own pace
- All defect metrics are maintained, saved and accurate
- Original findings are kept and never deleted
- No system or services update required
- 100% FREE to our clients