The main QLink Dashboard displays audit related services that you have contracted with MetaSource Mortgage to perform. The aggregate data is displayed based on the audit type you select from the dropdown menu and your defined timeframe which defaults at twelve months. The available loan types are:
- Post-Close Discretionary Audits
- Post-Close Audits
- Correspondent Closing Review
- Pre-Fund Review
- Servicing
- Compliance Review
- Adverse Loans
- Post Close Special
- Early Payment Default
- Docs Out Review

Defect Rate
Your defect rate is displayed at the top-left of the Dashboard. This metric displays the percentage of loans that don’t meet investor guidelines. While many investors, including Fannie Mae, prefer a defect rate below three percent, industry leaders state that mortgage companies should keep this rate at a level that they can afford and to focus on setting achievable goals.
Repurchase Rate
This is the amount a client may potentially have to repurchase. It is the sum of all the defective loans that were detected.
Defect Rate Trend
In the left column, there is a green chart which displays the defect trend line over the entire relationship with MetaSource.
Audit Trending Past (6 Audits)
This figure shows how defect rate trends month over month.
Loan Type Trending
These graphs and percentages show how your defect rate trends month over month based on loan type.
Findings Column
Gives a snapshot of significant findings by ownership which can be an individual or a department which is responsible for the loan that has significant findings.
Dynamic Graphs
Hovering over the graphical data will provide detailed metrics. Click on a metric to view the Drill Down menu. The Drill Down menu has the following options:
- Audit Period
- Channel
- Closer
- Branch
- Loan Type
- State
- Loan Officer
- Investor
- Underwriter
- Property Type
- Processor
Selecting on of these filters will help you quickly drill down and provide the necessary information you need to make the adjustments necessary to bring defect rate down.
The graph in the center of the Dashboard has both a primary and secondary filter:
Primary Filter
The Primary Filter has the following options:
- Defect Rate
- Aggregate Defect Rate
- Moderate Defect Rate
- Aggregate Moderate Defect Rate
- Average Audit Score
- Defect Loan Amount (Millions)
- Total Loans
- Significant Findings

Secondary Filter
The Secondary Filter has the following options:
- Audit Period
- Branch
- Investor
- Channel
- Loan Type
- Underwriter
- State
- Property Type
- Closer
- Loan Officer
- Processor