Tag: post-close mortgage QC audits


E-Mortgage QC Audit Implications

Thanks to Quicken Loan’s relentless advertising, including a Super Bowl ad, everyone seems to have heard of the “emortgage” and demand is rising as a result. Ironically, the emortgage has been around for 15 years but has been slow to be adopted in this paper-intensive industry. However, just as how Microsoft’s promotion of “The Cloud”…

New Whitepaper: Post-Close Mortgage QC Best Practices

New Whitepaper: Post-Close Mortgage QC Best Practices

Randomly auditing 10% of your mortgages on a post-close basis is required by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the FHA/HUD. If this is news to you, you need to contact us immediately… What is news to many lenders is how implementing document-related best practices reduce post-close quality control (QC) findings, minimize non-compliance fines, slash operating…